Elmer's Glue & Crayola
These are some of my guilty pleasures. Along with chocolate liquors, justin timberlake, and Project Runway.
One of my favorite times of the year is when every Target, Walgreens and WalMart procreates school supplies in abundance. Markers for .50, pencil sharpeners for .39, irradescent rulers for 1.25. Thank you China for your productions. I don't know what it is about all the supplies that makes me all giddy, but everytime I pass the crates of supplies my adrenaline gets goin'.
Some people jump out of airplanes. The rest of us get aroused by trapper keepers and mechanical pencils. This is how I've come to terms with being a nerd: I've added cute clothes to the image and people can't gage my dork barometer.
This is the second year that I won't be scanning the shelves of an over-priced university book store price-checking required text and supplements recording their charge on some scrap paper so I can compare it to amazon marketplace.
College book stores make me salivate like Pavlov's dog and that damn bell.
I would be lieing if I told you that I don't plan on buying some folders and spiral notebooks just for the fun of it. I justify the crayons and markers by using them as "art therapy" with my clients :) Too bad they don't put palm pilots and blackberrys up for clearance during School Days Sales.
I told Elly that if (shouldn't I be saying "when"?) I get serious enough about my writing, I'll buy an iBook for City Life 101. That way I can be as cool as Carrie. and, Maybe then I'll also get my Mr. Big.
Cheers to new subjects.