Amore y Pace


what 10 to 12 inches really means

40 minute commutes take 2 hours and fifteen minutes.
lines at starbucks and dunkin' donuts are out the door.
random street lights don't work.
you pass snow plows that dump 67% of their load on you as they pass by.
trudging through ankle deep snow that is black, slushy and (disgusting) very difficult to walk in thus forcing you to take an EXTRA pair of shoes to work.
chaotic searches for one of any three window scrapers you have somewhere but you can't remember where in the hell you left one last.
realizing that two pairs of wool socks probley won't get you through the winter.
maybe you should have bought those Uggs at Marshall Field's last month.

what a remarkable way to begin Advent.


Blogger Wasp Jerky said...

You went to work? It's a snow day for us so far!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Regan said...

"isn't chicago your kind of town!
love it."

That's right. I'm still a jerk.

grace and peace,

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok...i'm thanking God right now that the worst thing i have to walk to work in is crappy rain! i got splashed the other day on my way to a school! probably not as bad as snow, though :0)

i'm home on 18 december! i will be dying to see you, so you'd better be in houston sometime btw 18 dec and 8 jan!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You love it there...just remember when you were a kid in Houston and there was like a 10% chance of snow and you would get so excited!

10:49 AM  

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