how do you get your high?

i get mine from climbing.
I went out to Devil's Lake, Wisconsin, with friends to rock climb and it was such an awesome time.
sometimes we climbed, sometimes we danced. sometimes we roasted 'mallows. sometimes we hiked. overall it was a beautiful place to spend a weekend with beautiful people.
Belay on!!
i was really excited because i became so much more comfortable just using the rock face. when you indoor climb you stick to the routes, but outdoors you step on anything you can, shove your hands into any crack just to get up to the top. it was AWESOME.
and the views from the top are incredible. i love fall.
Labels: climbing
that looks like a lot of fun. i used to climb, long time ago, before the crappy shoulders set in. There's a place right on the Alabama/Georgia line called Sand Rock-great place to camp and climb. I highly recommend it.
excellent! climbing rocks!
i used to boulder all the time but nashville isn't as good for it as chattanooga or birmingham are...alas!...
I hate climbing rocks!
Were there any other girls on this adventure? You little huzzy! Actually, it's quite smart to have the opportunity to pic from half a dozen guys with no competition!
you are so damn hotatatatatattaattttzaaa.
a) you and a bunch of dudes
b) i thought u were scared of roller coasters.
That looks kind of high and scary. I'll take your word on the fun part!
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