Amore y Pace


carry over

People who carry over vacation time to the next year are nuts. Why on earth would you NOT use time that you've earned? If a company is willing to pay ME to not come to work you better believe I'm taking them up on the offer. In fact, I still have 10 hours of sick/personal time accrued and I've already decided that next Thursday is going to be my mental health day. I'm not carrying anything over to the new year except my laundry. Cheers.


the glue

at work i am constantly struck how people grow apart and back together again in relationship with one another. it is always remarkable to me what the contributing factors are to this ebb and flow. it seems often that my job is helping people to identify what these factors are so that they can plan strategically which direction their relationships need to move and consequently which contributing factors to focus on.

some are in toxic relationships and they need to avoid certain factors that lend towards replenishing a sour life supply. others want to learn which assests will yield a dependable supply and build their relationship stronger.

but the question remains, do all parties want to move in the same direction? which has me venture to ask, even if the right factors are in place-will the relationship grow & extend to either pole if all involved don't agree on that direction?

in boudra words: has the glue dried yet? if not, in the meantime, how do you move within the adhesive?



what's the difference between falling in love and loving someone?

i had a fifteen year old read the sweetest poem the other night at work. his goal is to read it to this girl in class by the end of the week. i'm trying to decide where he is on the love pendulum. where are all of us for that matter?


what 10 to 12 inches really means

40 minute commutes take 2 hours and fifteen minutes.
lines at starbucks and dunkin' donuts are out the door.
random street lights don't work.
you pass snow plows that dump 67% of their load on you as they pass by.
trudging through ankle deep snow that is black, slushy and (disgusting) very difficult to walk in thus forcing you to take an EXTRA pair of shoes to work.
chaotic searches for one of any three window scrapers you have somewhere but you can't remember where in the hell you left one last.
realizing that two pairs of wool socks probley won't get you through the winter.
maybe you should have bought those Uggs at Marshall Field's last month.

what a remarkable way to begin Advent.