Amore y Pace


book cunundrum

is it just me or as we get older do we not become more defined by our book collections? i just packed up my office and i was thinking that i needed to sell all my dumb books on amazon marketplace for 2 reasons: 1. to make a buck back and 2. i don't want to re-pack my books again.

cuz if you're a nomad like me, you've moved every year of your young adult life. and i have to say that the thing i hate most about moving is not the large furniture. it is in fact the boxes of books that weigh three times as much as my couch.

after the last move i swore i'd only go to the library for books and i've kept that oath well. i've only obtained a couple books from friends who have persuaded me to read this or that, aquired a book or two as gifts, and then of course there is the random "oh they don't have this at the library so i might as well get in on sale for 11 bucks" buy. the most recent of the latter has been Rob Bell's Velvit Elvis.

but here i am again, another year and another lease later. . . i'm looking at all my crap and wondering how much i can get for these recycled pages. what a vicious cycle.


Blogger Kara Newby said...

roy- that was said like a man that has a lot of money. For those of us pouring out our lives for non-profits, we have little profits to spill coffee on. Plus, the boys always seem to run when I ask them to move ANYTHING, and I end up having to do it myself. (as in most things in life having to do with boys).

Steph, did you read Velvet Elvis, or just buy it?

12:14 PM  

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